As your council member, Liz works hard for the 5th District, and all Lexington residents. She listens, does her homework and leads in finding the best solutions for our community.

24 Accomplishments for 2024:

What Councilmember Liz Sheehan Has Achieved In Her Two Terms On Council

Advocated for a more equitable community

by reviewing the ADA accessibility of our local government-owned buildings and parks.

Improved the public input process

by modernizing the public comment process and helped secure funding for the position of Council’s first Public Information Officer.

Co-sponsored the LGBTQ Youth Mental Health Protection Ordinance

to outlaw the discredited practice of “conversion therapy” for minors in Fayette County.

Led Lexington to a Municipality Index of 114—

the highest score in Kentucky.

Completed Dementia Friendly Training

for her Council office and assisted a number of her colleagues in obtaining this vital certification.

Supported Veteran Initiatives in Lexington

by serving on the Veterans Affairs Commission—and was elected Vice Chair for 2024.

Liz was elected Chair of the Environmental Quality and Public Works Committee

by her Council colleagues, in her second term.

Invested $2 million in Solarize Lexington—

giving low-to-moderate income residents the opportunity to reduce their energy bills and carbon footprints, as well as supporting local skilled labor jobs for solar installers.

Actively working to expand and protect our tree canopy

in District 5 and across Fayette County.

Voted to fund our first Sustainability Coordinator in 2021

and has worked to support the efforts of the office, such as Solarize Lexington, since then.

Voted for Lexington to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050

in our local Comprehensive Plan, and is actively working to make that goal a reality.

Started a Council book club for staff and Council Members to read policy and history books

and have discussions that contribute to their work at LFUCG.

Fought for the safety of pedestrians, motorists, cyclists, the young and our seniors

with Lexington’s Complete Streets Action Plan.

Championed community safety

by continuing to equip our first responders and safety professionals with necessary tools and livable wages.

Supported record funding for the Paramedicine program,

a multifaceted approach to community safety.

Led the effort to restore Lexington’s Citizens Advocate office

an independent ombudsperson, by returning the position to full time and expanding their authorities to better assist Lexingtonians.

Overseen numerous traffic management efforts for neighborhoods across the district

—from speed tables and curb bump-outs to enhanced crosswalks and speed feedback signs.

Served on the Workforce Development Grant selection committee—

and advocated for increased funding for this program, which provides training for higher wage jobs in our community.

Voted for a Comprehensive Plan

that addressed our housing crisis, environmental sustainability, community services, and quality of life.

Doubled funding for Lexington’s homeless prevention and intervention efforts.

Successfully included language to identify housing as a priority

for the infill and redevelopment incentive program, resulting in a majority of her colleagues voting to support.

Supported local protections for tenants.

Regulated short term rentals in Fayette County.

Helped to secure millions of dollars in overdue park improvements

throughout the District and Fayette County.


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